FCC Votes To Kill Net Neutrality

The FCC did what we expected them to do and rolled over for the lobbyists of Verizon, AT&T and those scumbags at Comcast. Most of us – save for a handful of corporations and their self-defeating lapdogs – severely dislike this, but what people want doesn’t matter, apparently.

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Activision Patents Microtransaction-Based Matchmaking

Full patent page here: http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=9789406.PN.&OS=PN/9789406&RS=PN/9789406 After receiving loads of emails about this, I woke up ready to give this patent a good going over. While patents never guarantee real-life implementation, they can be reflective of a business, and boy does this one – a matchmaking system based on selling microtransactions…

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